As a floral designer specializing in weddings I assist with all sorts of details regarding decor and often can’t help but add my two cents in terms of proper attire for the wedding party or seating cards, but your ceremony is one area that deserves the proper attention that only a bride and groom can devote.
Whether you plan to write personal vows you’ll reveal to one another at the altar or you decide together which words and phrases to exchange, your marriage vows can be as heartfelt or lighthearted as you choose. Writing your wedding vows is no small feat, however. These vows can be promises you make to each other or a sort of recounting of events that brought you together. These words can be renewed or recited on anniversaries. They can be your guide as you work through life’s challenges together.
You can find a lot of advice on the web on how-to write your own vows, but I think writing from your heart is what truly counts. Whether you quote your favorite movie or lovingly joke that you will be together as long as he promises to shovel the walkway, or you opt for a more romantic exchange of words, a sincere approach is surely the best.
Take some time a few weeks before your big day to write your vows and create a wedding ceremony that reflects how you feel about each other. Whether it’s short and sweet or religious and somewhat traditional a thoughtful ceremony will be remembered by you, your families and your guests. It’s what everyone came to see after all!