What do couples, vendors and guests need to know about weddings and events in 2020?
Click to watch the short video below for some basic wedding safety guidelines.
Please note: Updated wedding and event guidelines will be provided by the state of Vermont and found on the ACCD website HERE.
And if you’re wondering if you need to wear a mask, click here. (The short answer is yes; the Vermont Department of Health says if you are “around people you do not live with”–even if you’re socially distant–you need a mask.)
Thanks to Ehmann Events for the event layouts and 4 pillars graphic and Christa Alexandra Designs for the Safety Card samples. You can download the slideshow here.
Guests, vendors & attendees need to:
- Read this memo for Work Safe Requirements before you reopen.
- Follow State of Vermont’s guidelines and mandates.
- (cleanliness & sanitation, social distancing, proper signage, wearing masks where required, follow VOSHA regulations and protocols as determined by Safety Coordinator, and check Cross State Travel Regulations here.)
- Familiarize yourself with symptoms & understand the risks of COVID-19.
- Communicate & coordinate safety guidelines with vendors & attendees prior to event.
- Keep lists of attendees on file (similar to lodging and restaurant guidelines).
- Stay home if you’re not well. Do Not attend a wedding or event if you are sick.
Need more help? Watch this rundown of important Safety Tips for vendors and couples where we:
- Talk about Basic Safety Measures
- Walk through what an event will look like in 2020 and beyond
Wedding vendors: click HERE for a free Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan to help you reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 at a wedding or event. And find a full playlist with MORE wedding and event safety info here.

Remember, the 4 Pillars to Celebrate Safe:
- Health & Hygiene
- Service Styles
- Layout & Flow
- Social Distancing
Please note: An updated plan and additional guidelines will be provided as soon as possible.
IF YOU PLAN TO DO ANY WORK PLEASE READ THIS LINK FIRST: https://accd.vermont.gov/news/update-new-work-safe-additions-be-smart-stay-safe-order
“As we move forward, businesses and employees must understand that how they work is essential to resuming and maintaining business operations. Preventing outbreaks and limiting the spread of COVID-19 is the only way to avoid future business and social disruption. The success of this phased restart will depend in large part on the ability of employers and employees to adhere to the public health, safety, and social distancing measures essential to limiting the spread of illness.“
- Note: HOW we work is essential, but there will always be health risks associated (including the risk of death).
“All operations shall designate a health officer on-site at every shift responsible for ensuring compliance with the Executive Order and the Addenda thereto and applicable ACCD Guidance. This person shall have the authority to stop or modify activities to ensure work conforms with the mandatory health and safety requirements.“
- Note: This person can stop or modify activities…if you work alone, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALTH OFFICER, though your venue may also have one on-site, of course. You will have to create and communicate a plan to determine if behaviors need to modify or if you need to leave an event.
“All employees, including those already working (except healthcare workers, first responders, and others already trained in infection control, personal protection/universal precautions), must complete, and employers must document, a training on mandatory health and safety requirements as provided by VOSHA, oranother training program that meets or exceeds the VOSHA-provided standard. Employers who need translations of the training have one week from the release of the translated training to complete this requirement.”
- Note: This training doesn’t take long to do online and it’s required. Do it today! It is so easy to just read the slides online HERE.
All businesses that have been closed for 7 or more days during the state of emergency must complete and keep on file a reopening and training plan (businesses with fewer than 10 employees at any physical location are not required to create such a plan, however, they must follow all other guidelines and employees must take the VOSHA training). VOSHA and the Agency of Commerce have provided a template at https://accd.vermont.gov/covid-19/business/restart
- Note: If you have more than 10 employees the above pertains to you.
Signs must be posted at all entrances clearly indicating that no one may enter if they have symptoms of respiratory illness.
- Note: You’ve probably noticed these if you have been to any local businesses lately. Signage is very important for weddings and events, too.
Customers, and the public in general, are encouraged to wear face coverings any time they are interacting with others from outside their household. Businesses may require customers to wear facial coverings over nose and mouth.
- Note: Some towns already require customers to wear masks; check local town laws in addition to state guidelines.
ALSO NOTE SECTION 8.2:8.2 Social Gatherings of Up to 25 People (Effective 6/1)Gatherings and congregate settings in any one indoor space of up to 25 people may occur subject to the mandatory health and safety guidance above (including physical distancing), and;
- Inside gatherings are limited to 25% (twenty-five percent) of approved fire safety occupancy; or 1 customer per 200 square feet.
Updated June 19: 10.1 Occupancy Limits for Event Venues (Weddings, Funerals, Parties)
Effective July 1, event venues, arts, culture, and entertainment venues, and restaurants serving the public may accommodate:
- 50 percent of approved fire safety occupancy to the set maximum below; OR
- One customer/person per 100 square feet of customer facing space to the set maximum below if no fire safety occupancy is established.
- Operations may not exceed 75 total people for inside operations or events regardless of their fire safety occupancy or square footage calculation; AND
- Operations may not exceed 150 people for outside operations or events regardless of their fire safety occupancy or square footage calculation.
- Staff and vendors are not counted in the maximum number.
- Food service operations at events must comply with the Restaurant, Catering, Food Service and Bars guidance.
- **Outdoor service, events, and gatherings are strongly preferred.**
This is not EVERYTHING you need to know, but it’s a very important reference for reopening if you choose to reopen this summer.
Stay informed to stay safe!